Things My Husband Says #fingerpokerthings

Me (text to him while he was out of town)…


When he got home: “Finger poker things? OMG”

*Background: 1)We hate grocery shopping so much that we have decided we should both suffer rather than one or the other enduring this torture alone. I was being super awesome and doing the grocery shopping myself while he was out of town hence the “no good deed” reference and 2) Finger poker things is not the technical term but it might as well be. I can’t seem to ever recall what they should be called and have been using this term for 25+ years now. They are for checking one’s blood sugar.

**Note: Um, wtf? I’m out solving the world’s problems aka grocery shopping and fixing a broken vehicle and he’s drinking beer???

***Follow up report: This was about a week ago and we’ve eaten the aforementioned food. We survived.

****Note 2: Aforementioned is all one word? Who knew? Learn something new every day!!

Things my husband says (the new kitten)…

Him: What the hell was that?

Me: Oh my God you squished the cat!

Him: We have a cat?????

Ok let me explain my side of the story….

It’s all my daughter-in-law’s fault. You see before she was my daughter-in-law, when she was in college living alone Ali decided to adopt a cat. She went to her local pet store’s adoption event and found the most precious little black kitten named Willow. Willow was not old enough to get “fixed” yet so they wouldn’t let Ali take the kitten home just yet. She visited nearly every day and of course sent me pictures. When it came time to spay Willow a serious health issue presented that made adoption impossible. Ali was devastated. I was devastated. She and I chatted on Skype a lot back then. Ali had already paid all of the adoption fees and the agency would not refund her money. A college student doesn’t have much money yet there are tons of kittens in need of good homes. I searched Craig’s list for kittens and sent her several options but she wasn’t ready. Meanwhile, I was in love with ALL of the kittens.

I had been touting the benefits of having chosen a black cat to Ali because they (usually) don’t produce the same dander that causes allergies. This, allergies for my husband and younger son, were the main reasons we didn’t have a cat. I had forgotten about the black cat thing. Hmmmm, maybe I could have a cat again.

All of this transpired just as my husband was about to go out of town for four days and naturally I had found the perfect kitten. Heck, if Ali wasn’t going to go see this kitten I just might have to. I could take the dogs to see if they could get along. I could bring the kitten home and make sure our son didn’t have any reaction. If he did and/or the kitten didn’t work out the hub-unit would be none the wiser.

kitten 2

Seriously. Look at those kittens. How could I resist.

Anyhoo, how the above convo went down…

So the kitten comes home. Dogs adjust beautifully. Son loves the kitten. The two of them bond like I never could have imagined. The four days pass and it’s time for the hub-unit to return. It’s Thursday night. It’s football season. I’ve decided a hearty batch of margaritas will help ease my tension of telling him what I’ve done. I also decide a pizza (frozen but with extra toppings) will be the perfect greeting after a long time away.

He comes home, greets me, put his luggage in our room and smells the pizza. *This is where he should have known something was up. But instead he was just happy to be home and excited about the pending pizza extravaganza.  Keep in mind, I’ve been SUCKING down the margaritas. Plus, his flight was delayed. Yes it was only a 30 minute delay but in tequila minutes that’s a lot!

Next thing I know he’s in the living room turning on the tv and getting in on the game channel while I’m pulling the pizza out of the oven. Our tv is located mounted above an archway and the best vantage point is opposite this location in MY recliner clear across the room, not in view of the kitchen. He has the remote in his hand and begins to back up. I saw that part but keep in mine – margaritas! He proceeds to plant his fanny on the edge of the recliner to listen to the pre-game rhetoric and low and behold a little tiny squeaky noise comes from the chair.

He comes flying out of the chair. I come running from the kitchen wielding the pizza cutter and I hear him: What the Hell was that? At which point I freak out and holler: Oh my God you squished the cat!

Little miss Chloe Cat has been a beloved member of our family ever since.

354Chloe and more 001 She really love the men in this house!