Focus Dammit!

It’s a new year and I’m not one for the whole New Year’s Resolution game but this year I’m trying. I’ve made lists of self-improvements I want to make, things I want to accomplish and even picked a “mantra word” – focus. Ya, lord knows that’s the right word for me. I feel like I’ve spent something like five years very scattered, maybe more.

I desperately need to manage my time better. I’m wicked board quite a bit and yet can’t seem to find the time to accomplish anything. I need to get back to making task lists and checking that shit off! I’ve moved my ToDoist app’s widget to the front page of my phone and heck that’s the only reason I’m here writing this post. I want to check “write blog post” off my list.

Ugh, this whole focus thing is really going to test me. I think I need to approach it that way. Like a nemesis. I WILL CONCUR YOU. YOU DAM FOCUS YOU. Ok that might be a little extreme but you get the idea.

Going into 2019 like…

Which is better than the usual Nexflix binge


Girl Power Motivation

I’ve been listening to motivational books on Audible again. My dad was big into motivation when I was growing up. Zig Zigler has always been one of my favorites. Recently I accidentally stumbled upon whole genre of motivational stuff directed at women.  While I have always understood that women and men are different, think differently, react to situations differently, compete differently I never considered that we needed to be motivated differently.

It’s pretty obvious when I think about it but (more…)

Morning Chaos Commences

Fast forward to me in robe busting my butt sliding down our iced over ramp. Here’s what happened and it probably looked something like this…

The hubs is out of town. I needed a shower but put it off so long the night before that I decided to wait until morning, not wanting to sleep on wet hair. I get up and all is right with the world. I let the two cairn terriers out without issue. Our chihuahua is super old, almost completely blind, hard of hearing and his sniffer is starting to fail him. He was snoring so I decided to let him be. He freaks out beyond anything you can comprehend if he’s caged in any way so we just have a little bed next to the other dog’s crates for him. He gets up and wonders half the night so it’s no surprise to find him snoozing hard when I get the others up.
